Thursday, December 29, 2005

Today is a Survey Day.

Where's Vivaldi?
Should Have Been Loved // The Proclaimers
So, how do you take your coffee?: Generally I leave it.
What about eggs?: Sunny side up, soft boiled, poached, scrambled-and-fluffy... I like eggs.
Favorite pasta shapes in tomato sauce (alphagetti, simpsons, scarry-os etc): I think I insisted on trying Spaghetti-Os once, and didn't like them.
The Taiming Of Smegol // Howard Shore
What is your favorite flower?: I like violets and roses and Avie-Luke flowers and carnations and peonies and daffodils and tulips and irises...
Favorite type of tree?: I like maples and oaks and willows and little bent over trees and birch trees and tall pine trees...
Have you ever tried eggplant?: Yep.
Do you like eggplant?: I love it!
Do you belive that eggplant actually exists?: Yeah.
Really?: Really really.
If you could be any type of plant, what type would you be?:I had to answer this question at my NYPIRG job when they made us bond every day. I didn't want to bond, I wanted a paycheck. I quit pretty fast.
Breaking the Habit // Linkin Park
When was the last time you mailed a letter?:I sent my signature to Harvard this morning.
what about sent an e-mail ?(real e-mail, no forwards):To my delinquent recommender who has not sent recommendations to schools that were due 12/15!
Do you prefer pencil or pen?:Pen.
Is you're writing pretty, or ucky?:Ucky. What a cute word. I like it.
Are you a fast writer?:When I was little, I was a slow writer due to a fine motor lag, so I got to record audio tapes full of my ideas and stories and inspirations and thoughts about alppes.
Printing or cursive?:Printing, though I always feel bad, because my 3rd grade teacher thought I would like cursive and find it easier, and I wanted to oblige.
How old were you when you learnt to use cursive?:9 or so.
CAPITAL LETTERS or lowercase?:Both in their places.
My alphebets are talking to me! they say oooOOOoo!:Mine say things like erotic. Mine are way cooler.
Anchored In You // Shawn Mullins
Do you like to travel?:Love it!
Camping or cottaging?:Camping, in a tent.
Ever been stoned in San Fransisco?:Been neither stoned nor to San Francisco.
Where would you go if you got the chance?:Almost anywhere.
Would you ever go back packing across Europe alone?:Probably.
Do you really like the States?:I like 'em fine.
Ever swam in the ocean?:Yes!
How about a sea?:I don't know.
Would you go to Iraq right now, if given the chance?:I've thought about this. If there was a clear, (to me at least) important reason for me to go, that didn't involve fighting as its primary purpose, I would trust my heart/gut
Role Model For Today // Proclaimers
Do you play football (soccer)?:No.
What's your favorite football (soccer) team?:I don't know.
What's your favorite sport?:*shrugs*
Do you consider cheerleading to be a sport?:Yes.
Do you watch olympic gymnastics?:I do. Once, I invented a sport called Ball Balancing. You balanced on a ball. The fictional ball balancers were also time travelers whose base of operations was inside the
Ever run out on a baseball/football field naked?:Sphinx... it was pretty cool. And no.
Sad But True // Metallica
Name a few of your favorite bands/ musicians:See previous survey.
Top 5 songs?:See previous survey.
What's you favorite cd?:My Thesis Soundtrack, duh.
How many concerts have you gone to in the past 4 years?:Let's say about 10, including every kind of concert.
Enjoy mosh pits?:No.
Name some kick ass composers:Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, and.... HERE'S Vivaldi! :)
Do you like bagpipes?:I hated them as a kid... Now I like them a bit, but only in moderation/with other instruments.
Do you consider yourself to be a elietest when it comes to music?:No, but about language I am... elie-test?
Who is Kurt Cobain's daughter?:I don't know.
What about his wife?:I don't know.
Lead singer of Metallica would be...:I don't know.
Y'like Bob Marley, mon?:Sure.
Are you in a band?:I was, for one summer. :)
Karma Police // Radiohead
Would you ever get a mohawk?:Probably not.
How about dreads?:I doubt it.
D'you think dreads or mohawks are sexy?:They can be.
What about chicks with mohawks?:Often hot.
Should guys get perms?:Probably not, but I'm picturing really frizzy stuff that may not be what you have in mind.
How many times have you dyed your hair?:Once. Sprayed it a bunch for The King and I and Halloween, though.
What colour would you dye your hair (if you absolutely had to)?:See previous.
Guys with long hair? yea or ney?:Yea, mostly!
Hobbit hair? drool or lighter? (you know, lighter... to burn it off):In chorus in high school, some jock guys thought it would be fun to light Nathaniel's hair on fire.
Do mullets really get chicks:As in, understand them?
they really don't you know. Do you want an afro?:No.
Worst hair attribute ever?:Radioactivity.
What bugs you about YOUR hair?:It needs to be cut right now.
Meet The Creeper // Rob Zombie
Do you like county fairs?:Our state fair is a great state fair!
Which is better, candy apples or cotton candy?:Caramel apples.
Caremel corn or nachos?:Caramel corn.
What's your favorite midway ride?:The Ferris Wheel.
Are you afraid of carnies?:After Geek Love...?
Do you even know what a carnie is?:A person who works at/travels with a carnival... right?
Wouldn't you just love to BE a carnie?:Not really. But I know a certain Professor who might be interested. Except really I think he just likes to watch the carnies.
Ever thrown up on/ just after a ride?:No... I don't go on super crazy rides, usually.
Ever seen someone do it?:Yeah! They kept the Rainbow going for like 20 minutes, and this person on it with me threw up.
With Or Without You // U2
Do you like freckles?:Sure.
Favorite facial feature?:Eyes and smile.
Ever shot a beveradge out your nose?:Laughed it out.
Ever hit someone with your nose beveradge?:No.
Tried to hit someone with nose beveradges?:No.
Does your face get messed up when you cry (i.e. puffy, splotchy, shrinks):Shrinks? Actually, I think it's interesting, because if I just cry a bit and I'm trying not to cry it tends to get more splotchy, which is ironic.
Can you legitimitly wiggle your ears?:Illegitimately, actually, sorry.
can you wiggle you know, bewiched style?:This sounds so mysterious even though I know what it means. But no.
Ever had to wear braces or a retainer?:Yes, braces for about a year... and I think I'm still supposed to wear the retainer at night...
Broken your nose (or other facial bones)?:No.
Gotten a concussion?:Nope.
Can you make a clover with your tounge?:Just normal curling.
Have you even been punched in the face?:No.
Punched someone else in the face?:No.
Girls Not Grey // AFI
Got any tattoos? If yes, what of?:No.
Do you want a tattoo? if yes, what of?:See previous survey.
Got any facial (excluding ears) piercings?:No.
If someone else paid, would you get you nipple pierced:No.
Want any piercings?:Probably not.
What do you think of surface piercings?:Meaning, the surface of your skin? Depends where.
Kissed anyone with a tounge ring?:No. I hear it's nice.
Any bad/ tragic tattoo/ piercing stories?:Tragic tattoo! No.
Beautiful Girl // Poe
Were you popular in elementry school?:Nope.
Who was your best friend in kindergarden?:Charlotte, who I mentioned in the last one. But probably really Micah.
Favorite recess activity?:Pretend, which we later called putting on plays.
Most used crayon?:Red. My mom once was looking for a red crayon, and remembered it was me, and looked down in the carton and there it was, much smaller and rounder than all the rest. :)
How many schools have you gone to?:Counting absolutely everything, separate buildings and all... eight.
Any elementry school friends you havn't seen in ages but would love to see?:Yes, mostly Lauren. And Amy.
Were you the teased or the teaser?:Teased. On occasion surrounded. But not as constantly as some, certainly.
Imaginary friends at all? What was their name?:I had Rock People. Captain Jim, and Wiz and Wizina, and their baby, who I think was named Jane. And Pete, who lived in this actually rock ditch thing.
Any childhood pets?:Sparky, and Physh. :) Also Cinnamon the cat who wasn't mine but who I liked a lot.
Slide // Goo Goo Dolls
Worst feeling?:Jealousy. And self-loathing.
What is the worst thing you've done, that you can remember:Probably the way I treat myself sometimes, to be honest. Also, I can be inconsiderate of people's feelings, and I've snarked and gossiped about people while remaining friends
Any bad habits?:Procrastination. Filling out too many surveys.
Have you ever been abandoned?:Yes. But not completely.
What's the most morbid thing you've thought over the past 48 hours?:I reread a "what if I was decapitated" poem of mine last night. I mean, the only one, it's not a constant topic of my poetry. I mean, it's a good poem. ;)
Ever envisioned your own death?:Yeah. Not really delighting in it, but I have imagined it.
When was the last time you really cried, sobbing and all?:On Christmas Eve... but it was a clensing thing.
When was the last time you were truely, really angry?:Over the weekend, I think.
Ever lost you mind?:Not in a bad way.
Ever totally lost control?:Yeah. Not often, but I've definitely screamed and cried when I didn't really want to.
Worst childhood memory?:Various fighting things... like when my dad swept all the stuff off the coffee table in a rage and broke some small figurine or something of mine.
Best childhood memory?:I don't know. Maybe being on stage with a big part for the first time.
Hope you like this, hope it wasn't too run-of-the-mill
Remember- Never start a land war in Asia! (if you don't get it, you suck:Aw, I suck.
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