Monday, December 05, 2005

Five Questions (Each) for Julia and Katie

Ok, since at this point you would have to go into the archives to find the original post upon which these questions were supposed to be left as comments, I decided to make things a bit easier for you.

Five Questions for Julia:

1. Pet camel or pet mongoose? Why?

2. If you could have a year of romance (in the relational sense or not) and adventure, with absolutely no financial considerations, no responsibilities, and no worries about the rest of your life, what would you do during that year?

3. King Moonracer has summoned you to the Island of Misfit Toys, to help find homes for all the misfits. Your first assignment includes a ferocious stuffed lamb and a pogo stick that burrows into the ground instead of bouncing. They have requested to be placed togethter. Describe the ideal home environment you would find for these two, and the child or children who would love them.

4. You never really liked your friend's significant other, and at some point you find out that s/he is cheating on your friend. Do you tell your friend? Does it change if you were friends with both of them, and in fact like them both? What if the significant other has since died? What if you know your friend has been unfaithful in the past?

5. Is there anything you have firmly believed for as long as you can remember for which there is no tangible proof? Anything you used to believe but now don't? How about a belief that came rather late, but which you hold to firmly now? (The questions sound basically religious, and they can be if you want... but it could also be something completely secular which still cannot be absolutely proven.)

Ok, good. And now... Five Questions for Katie:

1. What is one dream/goal/vision of the future that you have almost always had, no matter how much it has been altered? Anything, no matter how big or small, that you feel most certain about as a desire for your life? If you want, you can describe the ways it has changed, as well as what has stayed the same about it. Also, is there anything you once wanted that now seems rather alien to you? Or at least unlikely? If you could suddenly have that old thing, would you still want it? Wow, that's like 10 questions in one. More bang for your buck!

2. If you could have one mythical creature as a pet/companion, what would you choose, and why? What do you imagine doing with it? Where did you first hear about said class of creatures?

3. If you could choose to remember everything about being born, would you? What do you think it would be like? Is there some other very early experience that you would prefer to remember?

4. If you were given one year to study anything in the world, with all the resources necessary to do so, what would you pick and why? It doesn't have to be anything you have previous training in, though of course it can be.

5. So, in the next month or so, you meet a wonderful, interesting, handsome, and intelligent man, and start to date him. The relationship develops very quickly, and your connection is stronger than you would have thought possible for such a short time. As you make your plans for next year, he reveals to you that he is about to embark on a journey to... Africa, maybe, for humanitarian work, or Antarctica to study the environment, or maybe Siberia to do some work on the railroad. In any case, it is pertinent to a long-standing dream of his, for motives that you respect, but it is not something you personally have any desire to do, although it does sound like an interesting adventure. (Disregard the examples if you have a desire to do them.) And it is very far away, in a completely foreign situation. You see a strong possibility for a long term future with this man, but in other circumstances, you would probably continue dating him for a bit longer before making a firm commitment. But... he asks you to go with him. Would you? Why or why not? What if he asked you to marry him, and go as his wife? Would that make you more or less likely to go? What would keep you here, if you wouldn't go? What if you were pregnant with his child? Are there any places you absolutely would not ever go with him, no matter what the circumstances were?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, my answers,
1. Camel.... i could ride it to class and it could spit at people i dont like, hehe.

2. I would run around Europe and become a bohemian and fly in airplanes and eat at expensive resturants

3. Aww, cuuute! Um.. the would have to live near the desert so that the pogo stick would be able to get back out of the ground with ease, no hard pavement driveways or he would get hurt. um... the children would of course be archaeologists who love to dig in the desert so that they could find pogo-stick and the lamb would of course be given lots of mint to eat. because i think that ferocious lambs would like to eat sprigs of mint.

4. I tell me friend that her significant other is cheating on her. i told her he was no good from the begining, did she listen? um... if i'm friends with them both and like them both, then i confront the cheater and make them change their cheatin' ways, either that or tell them that i'll have to tell the other one if they dont because thats not fair and not nice and just makes everyone unhappy. um... if significant other is dead, then we leave it alone... the one left alive will eventually find a new romance... and hopefully not pine away for dead cheater, but we dont have to let that truth out because that makes alive friend sad about relationship... adn everyone should be happy all the time.

5. i believe things happen for a reason. everything that happens happens so that something else can happen, and what seems to be bad now will eventually turn out to be for the best because eventually things always end up the way they should. i believe i have a soulmate that will somehow find me. i believed in the easter bunny and santa. those were sad days when i found out they were my parents.... i believe in unicorns.. i believe in magic... but dont tell my mom cause she'll think i've made a pact with the devil or something haha. i believe in being able to tell the future for certain things. i believe that war is unnecessairy and that people ought to be above that. i believe that the vast majority of peope are stupid. i believe in faith. i believe in love. i believe in reincarnation. i believe that true happiness is tangible and can be reached. i believe in truth, beauty, freedom, and love. haha. i'm a bohemian at heart. i believe in love stories. i believe in fate. i believe that i had an epiphany once about christianity and when i tried to explain the pure peace my soul felt to my mother it dissapeared. i believe that a cat once took away my cackle. i believed that my 6th grade latin teacher was an aliean. i believe in the possibility of alternate realities and time travel. time travel without the abilityto change the past however, because i believe in fate and therefore if you go back in time you were fated to docertain things. i believe that if we try hard enough Uncut pages will succeed. i also believe that if we let it go, uncut pages will fall like a stone into a well and we might not be able to recover it. i believe that my friends are my life. i believe that my friends are my family. i believe that my family loves me. i believe that i make the best gingerbread cookies. i use to believe that my mom made the best lasangia, but now mine is better than hers. i believe that if i wanted to i could lose weight. i believe that i could be a really mean person if i tried. i believe that i could be a really mean person if i didnt try. i believe that i want things that i never believe i'll have. i use to believe, and sort of still do, that only special people get to be actresses and artists and writers and singers. i believe that i'm not a special person. i sometimes believe that what i'm doing is futile. i believe that i've already fulfilled my life's goal, and now that i've done that i dont know what to do. i believe i get lost in my dreams i believe that i dont believe in my dreams all the time and yet i want to. i believe that sometimes i do things only because other people want me to, and sometimes i do things because nobody expects me to. i believe that experianceing snow with someone who has never seen snowfall before is one of the most amazing experiances ever. i believe that you will not get radiation poisoning from the television set. i believe that New York is the only True City that i've been to in America. i believe that southern Ireland is the greenest place on earth. i believe that the most beautiful flowers in the world are the putrple/hot pink ones that look like ballerinas and i never believed before ireland that those colours existed in nature. i believe that periwinkle is not blue or purple but a mix of both. i believe that i see variations in colour that others do not. i believed once that my eyes had been cured and i could see clearly. i believe that alcohol wakes me up while caffeene has either no effect on me or puts me to sleep depending on the amount. i believe that sometimes people just have to let go. and that everything will be alright.