Thursday, December 29, 2005

Lured on by the Promise of Ultimate Fun-ness.

** Ultimately Fun Long Survey! [Tons of Questions] **
... Basic Questions
First Name?:Rebecca
Middle Name?:Lynne
Where do you live?:Philadelphia, where it is hot as hell, but not right now.
Where were you born?:Syracuse, where it is GOOD MORNING BRUTAL cold, but not right now.
Who do you live with?:Rachel, who is wonderful, right now too.
How many siblings do you have?:When I was three and a half, my mom had a baby with no kidneys, who died that same day. See the questions from Katie for more on this.
Pets?:None since Eustace, may he Rest in Adventure.
Grade at school?:Nope.
Where do you go to school?:Nope.
Hair color?:Brown... maybe some burgundy left, but I don't think it's noticeable.
Hair style?:Medium-short with layers. But I need a haircut right now.
Eye color?:Very dark brown.
Ethnic background?:Italian, Irish, German, Scottish.
Do you play any sports?:Absolutely not.
If so, which ones?:I did go to soccer camp for one day once. AND I kept up. It was the most exhausting, sweaty experience of my life. Really quite unique.
Do you play any instruments?:I used to play flute.
If so, which ones?: Getting ahead of ourselves, are we?
Height?: 5'2" and perhaps some change.
Weight?: Ooh... well, I have been meaning to be honest about this, since I am sick of people thinking 11o lbs is in fact a reasonable weight for most women. So, in the interest of that, I'm hovering somewhere around 145 lbs. I do hope it goes down soon, but not to 110. Ever, really. :)
Do you look like anyone famous?: I've been told the girl who played Blossom and Alanis Morissette, but I didn't really think either one was correct.
Any nicknames?: Becky. Others, but they haven't been used in awhile. Like Bacon and Dove.
Do you like your name?: I do. Especially my full name, with lots of double letters.
If you could change it, what would you want it to be?: Uh-oh.
Any talents?: Nope, I'm dull as paint.
Do you have a cell phone?: I'm trying, dammit.
If so, which kind?: The kind where they don't understand what you want at the store when you go to get it put in your name.
What is your ringtone?: When I was in Spain, I had the can-can for text messages. Everyone hated it. Then my phone was attacked by a Portuguese wave. I got a new one. No can-can. Cristina actually composed it for me on the phone. Cristina is marvelous and wonderful.
... Some of your favorite things
Movie?:Most Recently Watched (easier than favorite)-- Syriana.
TV Show?: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is MRW, and also probably favorite, if I absolutely had to pick just one.
Actress?: Ummmmmm... I like Kate Winslet a lot. And Susan Sarandon is always good. And Laura Linney.
Actor?: Um... Alan Rickman? Geofferey Rush? Phillip Seymour Hoffman?
Comedy movie?: The Birdcage, perhaps, for sheer durability. I like Robin Williams and Nathan Lane too, while we're talking actors.
Romantic movie?: Hrm. While You Were Sleeping remains a favorite. Sense and Sensibility is always nice, too. There are sexier ones, but for some reason they aren't coming to mind. Oh, I liked Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a lot.
Historical movie?: Anne of Green Gables. :)
Music Genre?: Oh, I don't know. Musicals and soundtracks.
Band?: UPA Dance! Gogol Bordello! *chuckles*
Singer?:Always a fan of Paula Cole, and earlier Jewel stuff, and Seal... for actual sound of singing I like Sarah Brightman, and I'm nostalgic about Pavarotti.
Song of all time?: How am I supposed to have one favorite song of all time? That seems a bit much.
Dance song?:Me siento bien, by UPA Dance. Well, it's the first thing that came to mind.
Rap song?:Psalm 51
Pop song?:Um... see above re. singer, maybe? I don't know.
Country song?: That Friends in Low Places one is pretty good. And I know it.
R&B song?: Honestly don't know.
Store [non-clothing]?:I like Ten Thousand Villages lots. And Garland of Letters. And the Last Word.
Store [clothing]?:Um... I don't know. At home, I like Charlotte Russe and Fashion Bug. Apparently I don't shop for clothes in Philly. Daffy's seemed neat and cheap.
Clothing brand?:If I don't even know what my favorite store is...
Couture designer?:Ha.
Outfit to wear?:Lately, I've been getting a lot of wear out of my red tailcoatesque pant suit. It's very fancy and very comfy and apparently attractive, so that's three for three. And it's red, just for a bonus.
Underwear?:Clean and without holes.
Shoes?:My coolest shoes are my brown and teal boots. My most comfy are my sneakers. Or my winter boots, but they're getting pretty shabby.
Shoe brand?:Right. New Balance fits my foot, how about that?
Place to go?:Hell.
Vacation spot?:Stratford, Ontario.
City?:Sevilla :)
Animal?:Bunny. Or lion. Or snake. But probably bunny, because Fluffer was first of all.
Food?:I like Italian food most of all, usually. Also lobster.
Holiday?:We just had Christmas, so I'm into it. Also love Easter. And sometimes my birthday.
Month?:I don't know. April, for my birthday? Maybe?
Car?:Red or purple.
Thing to do on the weekend?:Have ridiculous amounts of fun with friends.
Sport to watch?:Not golf! Maybe figure skating. But actually I don't mind watching most sports, at least not live.
Sport to play?:None, really. I kinda liked very informal not on skates gym hockey.
Subject in school?:English.
Book?:I truly don't know. My standard have to pick one used to be Winter of Fire, but I haven't read that in years. The Winter Prince is still a winner... but there are so many more it seems unfair. And what about Last Report, and Kiss of the Fur Queen, and A Prayer for Owen Meany... let's go back to Most Recently Read: Cinema Nirvana, a truly amazing and wonderful book about dharma practice and the movies!
Author?: Still love Madeline L'Engle, L.M. Montgomery, C.S. Lewis, etc. But that list, too, is always growing. Let's add John Irving and Michael Cunningham... who I MET!
Color?:Red. As it was in the beginning, is now, and... well, we'll see, but I bet.
Cartoon?:Uh, Sinfest, online. I really like that weird one in the City Paper too, but if I can't remember the name, that's not going anywhere. Peanuts is always a favorite. B.C. is often cute.
Artist?: I was always a fan of Eli Thomas, though that is some time ago.
Disney movie?:Beauty and the Beast.
Disney princess? (haha):What is this haha for? Belle, correspondingly.
Quote?:Is there anything I haven't already quoted in here? "I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details." --Albert Einstein.
Inspirational figure?:Drawing on recent inspiration... two Helens, Sr. Helen Prejean, and Helen Keller.
Era in time?:Um... Middle Ages are always interesting, though I wouldn't want to live there. Hehe, what if I said prehistory? That would be interesting...
... Time for a small break... LIST THINGS
--> 10 Things you can't live without
10]: Air
--> 9 Songs That Describe your life
9]: Tiger by Paula Cole
8]:Stranger by Jewel
7]:Stranger by Billy Joel
6]:Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel
5]:River of Dreams by Billy Joel
4]:Lots of Rumi
3]:Barcelona by Jewel
2]:Love's Divine by Seal
1]:Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
--> 8 Of Your Favorite Songs
8]:Movie in my Mind from Miss Saigon
7]:Phantom of the Opera from ???
6]:A Breakfast Over Sugar from In Trousers
5]:Most everything from Falsettos, even though that's cheating
4]:Lullabye for Cain from The Talented Mr. Ripley
3]:My Funny Valentine in any version I've ever heard
2]:Leningrad by Billy Joel
1]:Iron Spy by... I lost the name. They came on a CD I got from Alfred College as part of their (creative and flattering!) recruitment of me. Bryn Mawr won with less effort, in fact, but I still love the CD.
--> 7 Of Your Best Friends
7]:I started wondering how many close friends I really have, so instead of complying with this, I'm going to try and list them all.
6]:Lilah and Charlotte
5]:Maddie and Chelsea and Julia
4]:Crista and Alex and Katie R.
3]:Nathaniel and Bekah and Liz
2]:Elizabeth and Cristina, and Amy too, even though I rarely see them.
1]:Rachel and Katie and Kirstin. 17. I think that about covers all the people I'm currently close to and in some kind of touch with. Interesting.
--> 6 Things You Always Wear
3]:This is supposed to be more exciting, huh? My class ring.
2]:Recently, my lovely new necklace from Rachel
1]:My watch, a gift from my mom.
--> 5 Of Your Favorite Movies
5]:Didn't we do this already? Let me try not to repeat myself. And just say whatever comes to mind, like: Beauty and the Beast.
4]:Gods and Monsters.
3]:L'Auberge Espanol.... however it's spelled.
2]:The King and I
--> 4 Things You Could Always Eat
4]:Ice Cream! Especially mint chocolate chip.
3]:Always ready to eat spaghetti.
1]:Some kind of vegetable... like peppers or broccoli or mushrooms or onions.
--> 3 Things You'd Do With A Trillion Dollars
3]:A Trillion Dollars! My God... Buy 10 theaters for Uncut Pages.
2]:Stabilize the economy of several small countries... but, seriously, give to charity. Or maybe establish my own!
1]:Buy Super Sexy Fantasy Bras for all 17 of my close friends.
--> 2 Of Your Goals
2]:Have something published. As in, a book.
1]:Have fun more times than not.
--> The Most Important Thing To you
1]:What a question! I guess my own growth, and connection with those around me.
** A little bout your love life
Are you single?:Yes. *chuckles* I think it's such a funny phrase, actually. I always want to say I'm double.
If not, who are you dating?:No one.
Sexual preference?:I prefer men. A preference, not a rule.
IF you aren't single, how long have you been takent?:Taken, another bizarre and interesting way to put it.
How many boy/girlfriends have you had?:Oh, we're getting down to brass tacks, are we? I usually avoid this question, because I've had none.
Have you kissed the same sex?:Not really in a sexual way.
Have you kissed the opposite sex?:Yes.
Are you a virgin?:Yes.
How far have you gone with the opposite sex?:Not as far as I would like to go. To be coy about it. Which means you've probably gone farther.
How far have you gone with the same sex?:Nowhere, really.
Most romantic memory?:Most romantic memory... that's interesting. I remember the love poem written to me in the 6th grade... and my first dance and first kiss... both in 9th grade or thereabouts, but not connected.
Where would you want to be taken on a date?:The moon. Or the Ritz movie theater or a play.
Best romantic gift you've ever gotten?:Probably the love poem, whether that's sad or not.
Roses or chocolates?:Roses.
Worst ex?:Doesn't apply.
Best ex?:See worst ex.
** Some time for snobbery - Brag bout yourself!
Do you have a cell?:This is bragging? I'm working on it.
What kind? (even though we asked before!):Whatever Chelsea sent me.
Do you have a computer?:Her name is Betty.
What kind?:Compaq... I don't get this, why is this bragging? I didn't do anything exciting to get my computer.
Most expensive pants?:Um........... No idea. I try not to pay more than $20 or so, but I probably have some that are more like $30 or $40. Like those purply ones with the bells on. But my mom bought those for me, a couple of years ago.
Most expensive purse?:God, I hope not more than $10.
Most expensive shirt?:What is this? $40, actually, I remember that one.
Do you drive?:Sadly, no.
What kind of car do you have?:None, but that I'm ok with, here in the city.
Are you smart?:HA! Something I can actually brag about. Yeah, you bet I'm smart.
What kind of grades do you have?:Oh, honor code forbids... but I guess I've graduated now. On the high end of magna cum laude. Wow, bragging feels weird.
What cool electronics do you have?:I have mechanical animals...
Do you have an MP3 player?:Nope.
What kind?:None.
** Random questions
What's your screen name?:BeckyF342
What was your first sn ever?:I got one in college, let's not get carried away. Same as now.
Do you use AIM, MSN or yahoo?:AIM, mostly.
How many kids do you want to have someday?:Probably one or two, but maybe more. Or none. I'm not clear on that at all.
What would you name them?:I have a lot of favorite boy's names, like Peter and Andrew and Paul and David.... girl's names are harder, though I always thought Joy would be neat. Or something pretty and elaborate. Lately I've been into Rivka as a name, but maybe that's too close to Rebecca...
Do you want to get married?:Possibly. Sometimes I fantasize about it, but it seems like a very distant thing. We'll see.
Where do you want to live?:I don't know. Really. Probably still somewhere on the east coast. Beyond that... ?
What do you want to study in college?:For college, read grad school: English, Comp. Lit., and/or Theology.
Do you do drugs?:I do not.
Worst drug you've ever done?:*chuckles* Over the counter painkillers.
Do you drink?:I do. Moderately.
Do you smoke?:I do not.
Best concert you've been to?:Gogol Bordello! :)
Trademark saying of yours?:Oh dear God, what have you done?
Favorite quote ever?:I swear we had this before.
Do you like to dance?:I do.
Color you think you look best in?:Well, I do like my favorite red, but I also look good in green and purple and brown, I think.
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?:I always thought it would be kind of cool to have one tiny braid in gold or silver.
Any piercings?:Uh-huh.
If so, where?:Ears.
How many?:One for each ear.
Any tatoos?:Uh-uh.
Where & What?:Nowhere and none.
If you dont have any, do you want a tatoo?:I think about it decently often, but I can't settle on anything.
What kind?:Lately, I've wanted a snake near my hipbone on one side, and a tiny lizard on the other, and maybe a bird somewhere too. I also really like the idea of doing a lamppost with the Bryn Mawr lantern on top, and a sort of abstract girl looking up at it, but I couldn't decide where to put that.
Do you like to party?:*chuckles* Oh, do I?
Do you have any video game systems?:Nope.
Favorite video game?:Uhhhhhhhh... I like Arcane on the computer.
How many DVDFs do you own?:What is a DVDF?
Do you own any TV seasons on DVD/:Yes!
If so, which ones?:I just got the first three seasons of the West Wing for Christmas.
What's the first pet you ever had?:Sparky! A lovely goldfish who grew and grew and finally jumped out of his bowl on Easter, which was weird.
Favorite grade in school?:Oh.... I don't know, really. I liked 2nd grade a lot. And 4th and 5th... and 6th... and 12th. *laughs*
Most missed memory?:For some reason I don't understand this question.
** This or That?
Britney Spears Pre-KevFed or Britney Federline?:WHAT?
Xtina or Britney?:Please.
Jessica Simpson drama or Angelina/Jennifer drama?:Oh my God.
New BSB or Old BSB?:What does this mean?
Movies at home or movies in the theater?:Ok, back in the realm of comprehension. Both, please. But I do love going to the theater, it's fun and big and communal and exciting.
Popcorn or candy?:Candy. But at the movies, popcorn. Except really, nothing, because it would use up too much of my trillion dollar budget.
Seven for all mankind or Diesel?:Excuse me?
True Religion or Citizens for Humanity?:Am I in Hell or just crazy?
East coast or west coast?:East, I've always lived here.
Snow or rain?:Snow, I've always lived here. :)
Summer or winter?:I don't know... Winter gets tricky and long, but summer is often too hot.
Fall or spring?:Oh, I like them both! Spring for my birthday?
Christmas or Valentine's Day?:Christmas! What kind of question is that.
Audi or BMW?:I don't know.
Porsche or Lexus?:I like the sound of Porshe better.
Range Rover or Rolls Royce?:Rolls Royce, I like glamor.
Clubs or bars?:Gay clubs and smokeless bars, please.
Breakfast or dinner?:I'm hungry.
Pizza or french fries?:Pizza.
McDonalds or Wendys?:Wendy's.
Cell phones or pagers?:Cell phones, if necessary.
Lacoste polos or Ralph Lauren polos?:Oh, Jesus Christ! Lacoste has the alligator, no? I'll go with that.
Makeup or no makeup?:None, unless I want to be fancy and play. Or unless you're a sexy boy.
Shots or beer?:Shots.
Cats or dogs?:Cats, but dogs are nice too.
Rap or rock?:Rock.
MP3s or radio stations?:What? I don't really listen to either, but... radio stations.
Kissing or cuddling?:This is getting ridiculous. Cuddling, at the moment.
Pink or orange?:ORANGE!
Red or yellow?:Red.
Green or blue?:Oh, I can't pick that! :)
Going to the beach or swimming in a pool?:Beach, please, but pools are good too.
**Describe your First Times...
First time having sex?:Haven't.
Where & when?:It seems we've stood and talked like this before...
First time drinking?:I'm trying to really remember this... I think my first time having a whole drink all myself and finishing it was in Spain, that glass of sherry at the sherry factory that was extremely yummy. I'm not positive, because I'd had sips and stuff before then. But I think that was the first drink all for me.
First time smoking?:Haven't.
First party?:Is party being used as a code, or something? I mean, I don't know, I was probably an infant, if not.
First best friend?:Well, I decided this girl who I thought was a boy named Charlotte was my best friend in Kindergarten, because I'd read about them in books, and thought I should have one. I think my first real best friend was probably Lauren, though I didn't know it at the time. My first official best friend with a necklace was Danielle. My last best friend with a necklace was Dannah, and we swore vows and everything. I miss her. But I have wonderful best friends now, too.
First movie seen?:How am I supposed to know?
First date?:I get a little confused about this, because I had a datelike thing to a play, but we never called it a date, and maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part... but that was in high school, maybe sometime sophomore year? And then I had a date for the Ball, though it was not intended romantically. But if we're going to be absolutely certain, I guess it was last year, with this Italian guy I picked up in Rittenhouse Square.
First kiss?:I was... 14, I think, and at a party. I've told this story before, I think in another survey in this very blog. But we--or, they, I was too nervous--were playing spin-the-bottle, and this strange, troubled, desireable boy spun, and it pointed at me, even though I wasn't in the circle, and he crouched there like a cat, and sprang across the circle and touched his lips to mine... and it was a sudden, small spark of energy between us, and I was very relieved to have gotten kissed before I turned 16, which for some reason was this big deal in my head.
First cell phone?:In Spain.
First CD bought?:Um... I think it was Amy Grant, whatever came out about the time I was 16.
First crush?:Bobby Clifford, in 5th grade.
First boyfriend/girlfriend?:We discussed this; no need to rub it in.
First party?:What the hell?
** Wrapping it all up...
What time is it?:11:39 AM
How long have you been doing this?:Too damn long.
Do you like taking surveys?:You know, I do, even though they frustrate the hell out of me. I think I like the chance to be snarky.
Any final thoughts?:I wonder if I'll find a better one on the survey site.
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