Friday, January 27, 2006

Not It!

Yeah, I'm bored with surveys about me, and I bet you are too. So this one isn't, in a slightly more deliberate way than Cain on a Fucking Stick. If you get it, good for you, but don't post it and ruin the fun for everybody. Be cryptic! You can tell me, though. It's either obvious or hard, and as usual, I have no idea.

You-- things people would probably care to know(65)
-|You, basically|-
Heritage?:There is a happy land, far far away...
Weight?:I'm pretty skinny, but there's more to me than you'd think.
Hair color? Hairstyle?:Currently, blond and longish.
Eye color?:Currently, green and brightish.
School level, or if done, career?:I'm a prince!
Piercings? Tattoos? Want any?:It seems a bit irrelevant. Or... disingenuous, maybe.
Describe your personality:Scintillating.
Color?:I like tawny colors. And regal colors. And piercing colors. And black. And white, sometimes.
Animal?:Lion. I like things a little rough-and-regal.
Music genre?:Classical. And that sort of disco-pop stuff. And really hard and wrenching music, too.
Movie genre?:Tragic and long, with men and women in pretty clothes. Or just tragic. Or a musical.
Game(if you swing that way)?:I don't. But I'd have to say I'm one who likes a gamble.
Store?:Um... here's a surprise... I like hunting/fishing/camping stores. You know, with lots of guns on the walls and army vests and lumbering men who smell like rubber and pine.
Sport?:Self-delusion. Also ice-dancing, and wrestling, especially if it involves thighs going out of joint.
Food? Drink?:Oh, mother, must I? Wait... no.
Season? Holiday?:I like them all, but perhaps winter's my favorite. And holiday... Easter, really. Really. I know, I'm a piece of work.
Place you�ve been to?:Ambivalent about so many. Fond of the desert. Also Ireland. And India, though sometimes I get overwhelmed there.
Past-time(hobby)?:What a charming misspelling. Perhaps playing various stringed instruments.
Names of your best friend(s):They know who they are.
Think you�re a good friend? Why do you think they like you?:Because I'm charming and occasionally fierce with my love? I think I'm taxing to have as a friend, but also fascinating.
Get along with your parents, the rest of your family?:Oh. No.
Taken? If yes, what�s their name?:I call him Mr. Wonderful.
Single? If yes, do you have a crush and if yes, what�s their name?:I'm singular, not single.
Why do you like them?:Because he's fucking beautiful. Because I am what I am, and so, more obviously, is he.
Your perfect date?:I'm not picky. Storytelling, a little music, a little emotional connection, sex that lasts for days...
[Have any] Siblings? Pets?:Yeah, and that isn't the most healthy part of my life, actually.
Goals you'd like to achieve?:I dislike this question.
Special talents or skills?:This makes me smile.
Guilty pleasures?:You could say that.
Bad habits?:Indeed.
Disorders? Other problems?:In spades.
Relatives that are famous?:Again, in spades.
[What's] something most people don't know about you?:I'm very sensitive. It's not convenient.
Your most prized possessions?:I like my ornaments.
Your style/favorite clothing style?:There's very little I can't pull off. But let's say old fashioned, or very slutty.
Happiest moment?:There was this thing with an egg... Jesus fucking Christ.
[What] do you want to do for a career?:Oh, I don't know, maybe go into politics or something.
(you)Body part or feature do you hate the most? Love?:Let's just go with the scars. That sounds like I'm some battered teenager overly in love with suffering... ah, wait.
Word or phrase you often say?:I feel I ought to be more aware of this. What I say, I mean.
Pisses you off or annoys you to no end?:Prancing M with his blocky ass and his skirts and his foot on my head.
Have you �always wanted to do?�:I have.
Country would you like to visit most?:Aslan's country. But really, I don't know.
Would your personal shirt saying be?:Fucking angel?
[Have you] technically broken the law, but never paid for it(or did)?:Yes, and did.
Learned another language? Any other(s) you want to learn?:I'm a polyglot.
Regreted anything?:Yes. But not always what you'd think.
Abortion?:It seems futile, to me, somehow. But I think I have an odd perspective.
War?:It always seems like a good idea at the time. I like the way war breaks bodies, but I hate what it does to souls.
Gay marriage?:Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
Death penalty?:Too often used against the love of your life.
Alcohol/drugs?:I hate being numb.
Racism?:I can't hate racists. They suffer from reflections, and they don't even know they are suffering.
Religion?:That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight.
Plastic surgery?:How could I condemn it? I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom, most of the time.
Animal testing/abuse?:You have to flick this switch inside of yourself, and then it becomes startlingly easy. Sort of like any abuse, really. Don't believe me? Have a care, in that case.
Suicide?:The whole concept of suicide being damnable is perhaps the worst catch-22 I've ever come across. Barring one.
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