Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What's In a Name?

Name Association Test
Who/ what do you think of when you hear...?
Jon:Uncle Alan's partner. Stancato.
Nick:Gambino, from high school, or Carraway (spelling) from The Great Gatsby.
Jack:Sparrow, Frost, Sprat.
Amanda:Rogers, from Star Trek, I think.
Emily:of New Moon.
Sarah:Plain and Tall.
Megan:A friendly girl with short hair, brown or red.
Jackson:Fast, solid, suspicious.
Mike:Abbreviated angel.
Justin:Timberlake. Goddammit, that was my first thought! Also, Justin and Benjamin.
Eric:The Phantom of the Opera.
Samantha:The American Girl doll.
Dan:Ultra-Modern Abstractionist from Haverford.
Fran:Drescher. Spelling?
Joe:Joe, Joe, he don't know. Ain't that so, Joe? The Narrator!
Ally:Decker, but I don't think she spells it that way.
Kim:Smith? And there was a Kimmy in that play I wrote in middle school.
Vinny:Vinny Valentino! The pastor's pin-up! Vinny and... Irving! Which sends me back up to Jack!
Jesse:paint your picture, 'bout how it's gonna be... by now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
James:Devron. Mackessy (spelling?) A strong, attractive name.
Greg:There was this odd kid in my religious ed class named Greg... he was one of the problem kids that they kept promoting this one teacher, Mr. Kimball, with our class for.
Chris:Aunt, Arabek (spelling).
Nathan:Someone in the Revolutionary War. Somebody's brother.
Brandon:Too modern.
Tiffany:Way too modern.
Ashley:Stevens? Don't know why.
Kevin:Bacon, Martin.
Kyle:Baker! Our mystery disciplinary problem!
Sean:Madigan. Never really liked him, though he got better as he got older. And his mother, oddly, was a kindred spirit in some ways.
Victoria:Had issues with all people I've known named Victoria... well, all two.
Jessica:The most popular name in elementary school! Rolince, Fikes, Lasda...
Andrew:Andrew and David.
Zach:From Zachariah, my troubled dancer. Which brings us again back to Chris, for Chrissy, and Jack, for Jack Rose.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*smiles* I used to play a variation of this game with my sister when we were supposed to be going to sleep... We'd take turns saying a name and then we'd describe what we thought of when we heard it, what that person would look like or what their personality would be like. I remember lying in bed in our house on Hopewell Rd. doing this. Don't think it was ever a game that we got caught doing and split up to fall asleep with, though.