Friday, November 11, 2005

Help Me Remember This One, or, I Hate Mice and the GRE

This was going to be just a basic rant about how much I hate the mice in our apartment, and the fact that I have to take the English GRE tomorrow. Also, I'm more and more convinced that I need to go to grad school, and I'm more and more terrified and having mental blocks all over the place with the actual process thereof.

1. I never agreed with my mom that mice are scary, but they're starting to really startle and annoy me. Also, I feel like it must be my fault that there are so many of them, and I want to keep things cleaner but I feel overwhelmed.

2. The English GRE sucks hippodick in a variety of nauseating ways.

3. I'm really scared of grad school.

But the thing is, I just found this quote in somebody's profile:

Stress is an ignorant state.
It believes that everything is an emergency.
Nothing is that important.
-Natalie Goldberg, author & writing instructor

I love Natalie Goldberg, and I think this is true. Such a gentle way to put it... stress is an ignorant state. We take it for granted that everyone is going to be stressed, that is natural to be stressed, part of our society or our lives or our "human condition." I want to stop and think about this one.

Stress is an ignorant state.

It believes that everything is an emergency.

Nothing is that important.

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