Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sorry... I got into it and did it again.... all new people!

Probably just as boring for all non-me people.

Name 25 random people you know (NO ORDER!)
what is an inside joke with #7?:An inside joke ABOUT him is that he is the blah blah blah boy in the class.
what about #22?:It's not exactly a joke, but we're going to live on an island somewhere and invent our own language.
would you go out with #12?:If it meant I could see her again, I almost would, though it's never crossed my mind before.
whats one word that describes #5:Eccentric.
would #4 look good with #25?:WOW. wow. Actually... I sorta think so. Even if it might be creepy.
would u go out with #19?:I think that would be awkward.
when is #11's birthday?:I don't remember. I feel like at one point I should have known, but I don't remember at all now.
would you make out with #28?:Sure, though probably the days for that are past.
are #3 and #29 BEST friends?:No! If they ever meet, it will be through the most random permutation of chance and fate that I can possibly fathom.
have you ever liked #21?:Assuming the "like-like" meaning again... no, I have not.
have you ever liked #13:No.
have you ever liked #6?:Not really, though I think everyone else in the world did. And at one point I was flattered by #6's (non-romantic) attention.
can you tell #17 anything?:You know, I haven't talked to him in a long time, but if we were close... I think he's that kind of person.
how mucuh do you love #4?:Only in a nostalgic, I knew her once sense... though I think I might still vote for her for president, if the opportunity arose.
how do you know #20?:From high school.
would you make out with #30?:Probably. He's pretty sexy.
how'd you meet #18?:Again, high school.
what word comes to your mind when you hear #23's name?:Roommate. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
have you ever had a crush on #27?:Absolutely.
what about #2?:No, though I guess I had that sort of non-sexual girl crush where you suddenly have this amazing friend and have to be together always.
do you think #10 is hot?:No, but I think he's adorable.
whats one word that describes #15?:Brilliant.
what do you think #9 will be when he/she grows up?:Either an actor, an artist, or an aimless wanderer.
give me one random fact about #16.:She was the first person I heard say "whoa Nelly," and she said it a lot... but just for one summer.
and #8.:I used to watch him play soccer, and think, "I love you, play for me."
and what about #1?:We went over the falls together in a tub... I think she was probably my best and truest elementary school friend, though I don't know if I knew that at the time.
...and #26?:He's one of the most eminently lovable creatures in the world, and his magnetism never ceases to amaze me... if I do say so myself.
what song does #14 relate to?:Well, she wrote this wonderful "Trinity" song that I still sing to myself from time to time. We were going to make a band.
what movie could #24 be in?:WOW. Um... maybe A Beautiful Mind, just for the title. Maybe some very complex and old-fashioned comedy? That's tough.
what famous person does/should #7 meet?:Golly-gee, I don't know. Me, when I'm famous, for a poetic ending. But only if he stayed cute.
what do you think of #10?:I think he's one of the sweetest boys I've ever known. I hope he's all right.
would you make out with #1?:I don't think I can answer that about people I haven't seen in more than ten years!
what about #17?:Again, not quite the right sort of question... though I can see him being attractive and tender, all grown up. But it gives me a weird feeling, so maybe not.
whats an inside joke with #11?:The never-ending train... a story we were going to write together.
what about #12?:She was my best friend for many years... why can't I think of one? Sometimes I called her Lionheart, from Winter of Fire. Does that count?
and #13?:The purple flowers joke! The monk joke! All the long jokes!
have you ever liked #8?:Yes, in fact... he was right after #7.
what about #20?:Sort of. I certainly loved his intelligence, and his quirky talent, though I think he kept some of it hidden.
would #29 make a good couple with #16?:No. They might get along, but they might not... certainly no coupling.
what about #23 and #5?:I don't think so, but I was always taken by surprise by who #23 ended up being close to, and #5 likes and knows everyone... so maybe??
whats a random fact about #6?:I was sort of disappointed that she didn't ask to be my sympathetic junior.
what about #21:We got our first kisses on the same night... and didn't know it for years.
and...#18?:She gave me a stuffed dog for graduation from high school, because I loved hers so much on the chorus trip.
how'd you meet #28?:My friend introduced me, on the internet.
have you ever gone out with #9?:No, but oh how I would have liked to!
what about #30?:No, he's rather overcommited at the moment.
ever had a crush on #5?:Not really, but I can see the attraction.
or #25?:Sort of. Certainly intellectually.
has #4 ever liked you?:Good heavens, I doubt it.
what about #19?:She definitely had a "girl-crush" on me, but I think she's straight.
one word about #27.:Tenacious.
do you knwo anyone who likes #24?:Her husband, I hope.
is #3 your friend? why?:Not anymore. I moved away.
where do you see #26 in 20 years?:About the same place he is now... at least he hopes so, fervently.
what about #22?:I see her pursuing any one of a number of dreams... but always staying true to herself.
would you make out with #2?:No, that's really not a good idea.
have you ever made out with #14?:No, definitely not.
what # can you most see youself with?:It was #15 for a long time, though it's been several years.
What # should #11 go out with next?:I have no idea. #17 for stability, #26 for help, #5 for eccentricity?
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