Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Liked This... Even Though You Probably Won't Have a Clue Who I'm Talking About.

Maybe that's why I like it.

Name 25 random people you know (NO ORDER!)
what is an inside joke with #7?:Writing center partners...
what about #22?:Falling into the obispo!
would you go out with #12?:No, she has a boyfriend. ;)
whats one word that describes #5:Bouncy.
would #4 look good with #25?:As a couple? No. As a mother and daughter type relationship? Maybe.
would u go out with #19?:No, he has a boyfriend. ;)
when is #11's birthday?:March. Or April. I think March.
would you make out with #28?:I went back and added more, because this was driving me nuts. So yes.
are #3 and #29 BEST friends?:They don't even know each other.
have you ever liked #21?:In a sexual/romantic way? No, but I love her.
have you ever liked #13:Once, I had a dream that she and the person she was dating at the time seduced me in a plane. It was weird, but kinda sexy. Other than that, no.
have you ever liked #6?:In a sense. I certainly love her.
can you tell #17 anything?:I probably could, but I don't.
how mucuh do you love #4?:Very much. Probably my closest old friend.
how do you know #20?:From work.
would you make out with #30?:No.
how'd you meet #18?:At school, because she was friends with #5.
what word comes to your mind when you hear #23's name?:Spain.
have you ever had a crush on #27?:No.
what about #2?:Not really... though I used to wonder, kind of. Probably just a normal product of our conversations.
do you think #10 is hot?:Yes.
whats one word that describes #15?:Mercurial.
what do you think #9 will be when he/she grows up?:An archeologist.
give me one random fact about #16.:He kissed me once, but he might not remember.
and #8.:She has two tattoos.
and what about #1?:When I first met her and she was in drag, she reminded me of #15.
...and #26?:She gave me one of the nicest compliments I have ever, ever received.
what song does #14 relate to?:Well, because I saw it in something related to her once... "Nothing on Me" by Shawn Colvin.
what movie could #24 be in?:Something sort of bubbly... like a romantic comedy. I want to say "You've Got Mail," which is completely random, because I've never seen it.
what famous person does/should #7 meet?:Um... I think she met Neil Gaiman.
what do you think of #10?:I love the way her mind works in tandem with my own.
would you make out with #1?:I doubt it, but I also think that if I did, it would be fun and not too awkward after.
what about #17?:No, certainly not. Another one with a boyfriend, too.
whats an inside joke with #11?:Oranges!
what about #12?:Eglamore. However that's spelled.
and #13?:My daddy.
have you ever liked #8?:Again, no, but I love her.
what about #20?:No! Really, no.
would #29 make a good couple with #16?:Um... it's completely ridiculous because #29 is married... but they are both into medieval stuff... so in a completely hypothetical world... yeah, maybe.
what about #23 and #5?:I really don't think so. #5 would irritate #23, and #23 would not pay enough attention to #5.
whats a random fact about #6?:We lost our literary virginity on the same book.
what about #21:She always has hand sanitizer when you need it.
and...#18?:Um... I know that #2 gave her a stuffed animal once.
how'd you meet #28?:Through friends at school, mostly #5, #9, and #13.
have you ever gone out with #9?:Nope, but we are fuck buddies. ;)
what about #30?:No.
ever had a crush on #5?:No.
or #25?:No! That's not appropriate.
has #4 ever liked you?:Far as I know, she likes only boys.
what about #19?:Far as I know, he likes only boys. (This is working out symmetrically, huh?)
one word about #27.:Manic.
do you knwo anyone who likes #24?:I hope her husband does.
is #3 your friend? why?:Yes. Shared sense of humor, brilliance, affection, willingness to carry a joke forever...
where do you see #26 in 20 years?:Hopefully not with some completely wrong guy... hopefully doing something that will absorb and reflect all of her wonderful energy, talent, and quirky enthusiasm.
what about #22?:Teaching somewhere with incredible success and brillance, probably with children and an adoring husband.
would you make out with #2?:I might, but then again, it might be weird.
have you ever made out with #14?:No, and I don't see that happening.
what # can you most see youself with?:Honestly? I don't know. #3 is sexy, #2 is perhaps most compatible, #16 is most available and in my normal demographic, #28 is beautiful... but I'm not sure of any of them.
What # should #11 go out with next?:#10. Certainly.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew it! I knew I was #9! Although I know that I will always be #1... :)

Yay! I'm so glad Alex reminded me of this journal. I'm going to read it EVERYDAY and comments lots and lots!