Thursday, November 17, 2005

Anyone Want to Play with Me?

Found this in Morgan's blog and it looks fun. I promise to ask exciting questions (at least I hope to) and to answer honestly (or lie in a fun and obvious way, if you prefer) when you ask me questions.

Here are the rules:

1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.


Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Interview me!! :)

Anonymous said...

hmm.. verrrry interesting....

i'm in.

Becky said...

Ok, assuming this is how I am supposed to respond...

5 questions for Rachel!

1. If you had to have any one of your beliefs truly reversed... that is, you would believe the opposite of what you now believe as strongly as what you believe now... what would it be, how do you think your new belief would turn out, and why would you choose this belief? (Sorry, that's really long. But I think it's interesting...)

2. If you were suddenly put in another body, do you think you could convince everyone in your life that it was really you? If not, who would you have trouble convincing, and why do you think so?

3. What is the worst thing you would do to get something you really wanted?

4. Can you imagine something, or someone, being so compelling that you would immediately abandon your life as it is to follow it or them? What kind of pull would it/they have to exert for you to do this?

5. If you could go back and change one action in your past that you directly took, would you? If you would, what would it be?

Becky said...

5 questions for Alex!

1. If you could be given the power to always discern the "best" course of action in any situation, but not necessarily the power or the desire to do it, would you want the first power anyway? Why or why not?

2. Would you rather have sex every day for the rest of your life... no matter how sick, tired, or uninterested you were... or only have sex once every two years, but be able to pick any day you want?

3. What is one thing that fascinates you consistently, and why?

4. What is one of your strongest memories? Tell me about it...

5. Who is one person you have lost contact with that you consider to have been especially influential in your life? If you could find them again, what would you tell them?

Becky said...

P.S. You have to answer your questions... but if you like other people's questions... go for them, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Interview me!

Becky said...

5 questions for Maddie!

What the hell was your plan???

Ok, no.

1. What is one of the most vivid and interesting dreams you've ever had? Extra points if it's weird, involves epic scenes, famous people, or sex of any kind.

2. If you were to suddenly wake up and find you had turned some abnormal (for skin) color, what would you want it to be and why?

3. If you could live in one culture you have studied, what would it be and why? And is it a culture you find the most fascinating, or one that would actually be more comfortable for you as a person to live in? If you wouldn't pick your "favorite" culture, what aspects of it would prevent you from living happily there?

4. If you had to instantly pick one person that you know sort of well (not a very close friend) to be somehow with you for the rest of your life, either as a lover or just as a constant companion, who would you pick and why?

5. If you had to completely forget about one person in your life (present or past), with the stipulation that you would see them again, and they would remember you, who would it be and why?