Monday, November 28, 2005

30 Fictional (or semi-fictional) Folks.

Apparently I've become obsessed. But these are all from stories, books, or other not so flesh and blood sources, so maybe it will be fun to think about?

Name 25 random people you know (NO ORDER!)
what is an inside joke with #7?:Doublemint gum? Not exactly a joke, but inside.
what about #22?:I don't really know her all that well.
would you go out with #12?:HA HA! I wanted to in high school. Lots. Even though it's temporally impossible and he's a murderous sex fiend. Or maybe that was why I wanted to.
whats one word that describes #5:Amnesiac.
would #4 look good with #25?:Maybe, but #4 is real uptight and #25 is married, and on second thought... they probably wouldn't look that good together anyway.
would u go out with #19?:Not really, but we are kindred spirits.
when is #11's birthday?:I don't know. Perhaps in the spring. Or the fall.
would you make out with #28?:No, I don't think that would work out well at all.
are #3 and #29 BEST friends?:Not in the slightest. #3 has enough to deal with without bringing in #29, and it would only confirm #3's conviction that maybe he is going to hell. Guilt by association, #29
have you ever liked #21?:No, but I wrote about him in a sexually aware manner, lord help me.
have you ever liked #13:And how! High school again. Again impossible. Again murderous. Again sex fiend. And very beautiful.
have you ever liked #6?:No, in any case there could be even less result of it if I did than with any of the others... literally any of them... but nonetheless he currently fascinates me.
can you tell #17 anything?:I think I could. He has a history that enables him to be understanding.
how mucuh do you love #4?:Not a whole lot... maybe that's why he never got very nuanced when I wrote about him.
how do you know #20?:John Irving wrote this book...
would you make out with #30?:It's not on the top of my list, nor do I think his, but neither is it a totally repellent idea.
how'd you meet #18?:Through Kirstin.
what word comes to your mind when you hear #23's name?:Bravery! And a tail.
have you ever had a crush on #27?:No, not really the right age group.
what about #2?:No, and anyway she's married.
do you think #10 is hot?:Yes, especially with #11.
whats one word that describes #15?:Gentle, officially. Also... let's say a bit flighty.
what do you think #9 will be when he/she grows up?:A priest.
give me one random fact about #16.:He killed a wolf.
and #8.:He was in love with a rock star once.
and what about #1?:He was never in love with a rock star. And doesn't like personal questions.
...and #26?:He's locked in the basement without Peter Smith-Kingsley.
what song does #14 relate to?:Hard to say! Maybe "Into the Woods." :) Or "All in All."
what movie could #24 be in?:Dragonheart. Only not really.
what famous person does/should #7 meet?:Maybe Tim O'Brien. Or any one of a number of poets.
what do you think of #10?:I think he's incredibly fun and spontaneous, and must come from the one part of me that doesn't overthink everything.
would you make out with #1?:I don't think that would accomplish anything, or that he would let me.
what about #17?:Ok, this is probably totally wrong, but yeah, assuming we were in the same age range and it was an ok situation.
whats an inside joke with #11?:Sort of the whole car accident when he met #10 thing.
what about #12?:We don't really have inside jokes... but I did finally get "Turn Around, Bright Eyes" because of him. Also, I used to imagine that he was in my time and I had to explain cars
and #13?:Despite his attractiveness, I'm not 100% sure he'd like my jokes. Maybe something about his flamboyant and numerous love affairs at the hands of his creator(ess)
have you ever liked #8?:I like him a lot, but not that way. He has other vows and desires.
what about #20?:I sort of love him. But that's how it is with him, I think.
would #29 make a good couple with #16?:Certainly NOT. #16 would probably put him to the sword, or something.
what about #23 and #5?:No, but it's really funny because #5 had the nickname Mouse (it's not from Tales of the City, btw), and #23, well, is a mouse.
whats a random fact about #6?:He's been castrated.
what about #21:He's been scarred. Famously.
and...#18?:She's been killed. But not in a permanent way.
how'd you meet #28?:Through Rachel.
have you ever gone out with #9?:No, he's faithful to his promises.
what about #30?:No, he's unable and uninterested in the likes of me.
ever had a crush on #5?:No, in fact she baffles me a little.
or #25?:Not really, I leave that to #7.
has #4 ever liked you?:I don't think he would, no, he's still obsessed with #5, at least a little.
what about #19?:I would be proud if she liked me, at least as a friend. I always imagined we'd be such good friends.
one word about #27.:Sprightly.
do you knwo anyone who likes #24?:Maybe Jill Pole?
is #3 your friend? why?:He might be my friend, but I think at the moment he's awfully preoccupied with his own worries. And dancing takes up a lot of his time.
where do you see #26 in 20 years?:SUCH a question. I wish I could say, with a good lover. But instead... in prison, dead, or else fabulously weathy and successful.
what about #22?:I really don't know. Hopefully a little more stable... and not lonely.
would you make out with #2?:I doubt it highly.
have you ever made out with #14?:No, certainly not.
what # can you most see youself with?:Um, for real? Maybe #17 or #24.
What # should #11 go out with next?:#10. Certainly.
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1 comment:

Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Yay, this one is fun to guess!

1. Peter?
6. Alphonsus?
10. David.
11. Andrew.
12. Lucius Cornelius Sulla!
18. Nalia
19. Anne of Green Gables?
20 Owen Meany?
21. our friend Harry Potter.
23. Reepicheep!
24. Eustace Clarence Scrubb, though I'm not sure you would go out with him....
28. Avie? Jd? Tam? Rae? *laughs*