Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Promised... and I Stole

In a sanctioned, in fact mandated way, from Maddie. I think this is a lovely way to jump into blogging again, and also to reward whatever faithful readers remain for months of fruitless refreshing of this page. Here you are:

The first five people to respond to this post, will get some form of art, by me, about them. I make no guarantees about quality or type, but I will assure that I will give it good effort and that the art will be individual to you, so if you get a mixed CD, a dirty limerick, some sort of painting , or perhaps some origami, or anything else yours is the only one like it.
The only catch, of course; as with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own journal as well.


Katie said...

Well, you're not responding to your IMs, but apparently you're reading my mind anyway--I feel sorely in need of appreciation from someone who really knows me. :) And I will be happy to reciprocate.

Did I mention that I miss you terribly?

Narg said...

oh oh! me me!

Anonymous said...

Me! I pick me!

Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Hehehe, fun! I want an exciting personalized surprise!

Anonymous said...

only four people have responded!! that means there's one spot left!

(But I don't have a blog...so I can't post it anywhere. Do I still count?)