Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Questions from Harvard

So, before I got sick forever and ever, I made a list of questions that Harvard asked me, on just one side of a little poster posting post. I thought it would clarify why this place is both fascinating and overwhelming:

Need some wheels?
Do I like her... or just admire her?
Does God exist?
How can God allow pain?
Why is religion full of hypocrites?
What is HPV?
What is democratic socialism?
Christianity: Boring, untrue, irrelevant?
Why did Jesus die?
How and why should I pray?
Are you interested in applying your analytical, financial, and programming expertise to a challenging and rewarding career as a Quantitative Equity Analyst?

Pretend it's a survey if you want... maybe I will try to answer one of these questions at a time. I'll start with the last one. The answer to the last one is no.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Need some wheels?
Not anymore!

Do I like her... or just admire her?
Hmm...at this point I'd have to say admire.

Does God exist?
If He doesn't, whose voice was that I just heard?

How can God allow pain?
Heck, maybe God has bad days too.

Why is religion full of hypocrites?
Because we're human? There are just as many hypocrites in the business world, you know. I think you're being...some sort of -ist. Perhaps there's not a word for it yet.

What is HPV?
Hypocrite-Proof Visor. Lets you see through all the hot air.

What is democratic socialism?
Something found in the glossary of a history or government textbook.

Christianity: Boring, untrue, irrelevant?
What about erotic? ;)

Why did Jesus die?
He was 33, it wouldn't have been nearly as symbolic if he waited until 34, or 58, or...

How and why should I pray?
The real question is to whom?

Are you interested in applying your analytical, financial, and programming expertise to a challenging and rewarding career as a Quantitative Equity Analyst?
What makes you think I have expertise in said areas?