Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What's in a Name?

Rebecca Add to My Favorite Names
Origin Meaning
Hebrew bound
Traits: People think of Rebecca as a pretty, unpretentious young woman who is smart, well-read, and either outspoken and strong-willed, or soft and sweet.
Famous people with this name: the biblical Rebekah, Isaac's wife; Kate D. Wiggin's novel Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm; Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca; actress Rebecca (The Hand That Rocks the Cradle) De Mornay; author Rebecca West

1. Strong, independent-minded Rebecca! Parent's naming their child Rebecca beware of attitudinal difficulties coupled with an undying creative wit!
2. To me the name Rebecca means ~PRINCESS!~
3. To me Rebecca means witch with a capital "B" but you HAVE to love them anyway for thier weird ways and their stinky butts!!
4. I love my name because no one else had it in my school growing up so it made me feel special, but if you name your girl this be prepared for the nicknames that come with it...rarely any of my friends call me Rebecca, they always shorten it to Becca (which I don't mind), Beck (which is a little annoying), or Becky (I loathe that nickname, its sounds like I should be feeding chickens on a farm). Also for some reason people have a hard time spelling this name they're always sticking extra letters in there. But overall I love my name.
5. Ready Eager Beautiful Exciting Cute Cuddly Any thing she want to be
6. Rebecca is a beautiful and name that has a certain elegance to it. Also I think that when heard it is someone who you readily want to respect but the nicknames of Rebecca, like Becky, Becca(Becka), Beck, and Reba I don't think are as readily respected. Overall though I love the name and am proud to have it as my own. It's also an old name and even though I might not spell it the same way they do in the Bible it's still beautiful and respected.
7. Rebecca is one of my three greatest joys in the world. At 3 she is so full of life and smiles. I just wish she would learn to go potty. Middletown, Pa
8. 'Rebecca' makes me think of a young, gorgeous brunette who is highly intelligent and has a wild streak.
9. My daughter Rebecca is beautiful with long dark hair. She is the biggest Tomboy around, full of life, funny, smart, mouthy, cuddly, daddy's girl, great big sister, friendly, TALKATIVE, intuitive, independant, strong. A beautiful name for a beautiful person. Will go far in life.
10. I love the name Rebecca! The only nickname I like for it, though, is Becca. Rebecca is a beautiful, classic name that I would give to a daughter if my sister-in-law wasn't named that already. By the way, my SIL is a remarkable, independent woman who knows her own mind. She is strong and capable. She is also drop-dead gorgeous!
11. I love my name (Rebecca duh!) It flows off your tongue very nicely!! As does Rebecca and Ryleigh (my twin sisters name!) we are both tall, blonde, smart and very athletic!
12. My name is Rebecca I love my name and I often go by Becca I have had to very wonderful friends and one was Becca and the other was Becca we had a lot of fun with our names when meeting new people but at work it is only Rebecca for some reason Becca just does not work if you want Respect
13. :D I adore my name; Rebecca, I'm not trying to be vain or anything. Until I was in middle school I was called Rebecca. I get called Becca often, now. I like Becca, but Rebecca just is what I am used to. There are many nicknames with this name. The only problem I had, is that people love to add an extra 'B' ...I don't know why.
14. my daughters name is alpha rebekah and it means "beginning to be born again". people thought it was such a "strange" name at first, but, she is a beautiful young woman now and her name fits her perfectly!
15. Well as a Rebecca myself I must say it's a wonderful name. Altho mine has a twist to the spelling and I think more parents should try different ways and see what fits them. My spelling is ReBeccah and yes it's hard in school no one EVERY spells it right and no you can't find stuff with your name printed on it but then again none of that mattered cuz in the end I know it was because I was unique. It's a very simple and wholesome name fit for any little girl that will some day come along and climb on your lap and ask about why you named her so.
16. I LOVE My Name... Rebecca! I Though DO Go By Becky. I Hated When People Would Call Me Becca Or Beck. Its Rebecca OR Becky. Thats It!! Growing Up, Kids Couldnt Make Fun Of It. And I Was The Only One With My Name. I Am A Witch At Times, I Have MY OWN Personality By Far. But I Have To Say In The End... Everyone Loves A Rebecca.
17. I LOVE THE NAME REBEKAH! I think it is the most beautiful bible name! I am a redhead and my name is Rebekah. I am part crazy and do a lot of wild things, I don't know if it is the name or the hair color, or maybe the combination of the two that makes me who I am. I know a Rebecca, and she is a stuck up b*tch! So don't spell your daughter's name like that--thanx
18. I am Rebecca and I think the description pretty much says it all. And it's not either/or - it's both that I'm strong and outspoken and yet soft and compassionate. I have found, however, that Becky doesn't garner nearly the respect at work as Rebecca. I HIGHLY recommend to all of you called Becky, Becca, Beckie, Reba (especially Reba) or any other variation to stick to "Rebecca" in your working world. [[how's that for outspoken]]
19. Rock on #16! I am a Rebecca too and I never liked the name until my mom told me why she picked it. Rebecca was a friend of hers in high school that my grandfather really liked and my mom always remembered how happy it made her dad that she was friends with such a nice girl so she named me after her. But I do have to say that I have always been called Becky, and because I am so outspoken I still feel like I get respect from coworkers for my honesty and the fact that I do not take crap from anyone! So keep on being your outspoken, stubborn, energetic, beautiful selves all of us Rebeccas out there!
20. My sister is Rebecca but she has no commen since. Nothing against the name, and Yes I still Love her!!!
21. Hi All, My youngest daughter's name is Rebecca, I have always loved the name. My daughter is caring, hysterically funny,witty, beautiful, intellegent, facinating, loving and totally a young lady. She is so amazing - and I have a feeling she's going to take on the world soon ! You go GIRL ! Ciao, Kelly
22. As a Mom and Dad with unusual (OK, weird) names, we were careful to pick names for both of our girls that they could live with. We were very proud of Rebecca Suzanne and our beautiful child is also to be proud of. She is very athletic, social, and has a giving heart. The only problem she has with her name is the fact that the Biblical Rebekah lied to her husband. My Rebecca knows better!
23. my name is ok but I wish my mom named me molly.
24. This is my best friend's name. She is pretty, smart and very strong-willed. It's an elegant name, I think.
25. We love this name. We named our daughter Rebecca Nacole. We picked out the name Rebecca 7 months before she was born, we didn't even know she was going to be a girl. Nacole came to us later on, today she is one month old. She has dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, very strong for a month old baby, and very happy.
26. my aunt name is Rebecca but she like it by Becky! she died in 1999 but i will name my daughter after her Rebecca "Becky" Faith!
27. I like my name - and I'd be willing to bet that a good protion of the Rebeccas out there have the middle name, Lynn - am I right??? :) I just always wanted it spelled Rebekkah - more unique, I guess...
28. Rebecca is such a soft and feminine name. And she's always caring and sweet. Rebecca's are great people. I've known a couple in my life and I've liked all of them. If she goes by Becca then she's cute and perky and if by Becky then soft-spoken and traditional. Rebecca is so classic. I'd name my daughter Rebecca Marie. I imagine her having soft brown curls and big green eyes. And I'd call her Bex for short sometimes but for the most part she'd be Rebecca.
29. I am a Rebecca Lynn in my early thirties. I have always been called Becky, until I met my husband. He has always called me Rebecca, and it was then that I decided that I liked my name. Close friends call me Becky, but I often refer to myself as Rebecca to those I do not know. The characterists of Rebecca are on target. Overall, I am well liked, and sweet, but have a tendency to be a B-witch without even realizing it. And like the biblical Rebecca, I have lied to my husband. So, if you plan to name your child Rebecca, instill deeply the respect for honesty and sincerity.
30. Rebecca is a wonderful name.It has a nice ring to it.
31. My friend is named Rebecca and she is smart (although not as smart as me) and blond almost white haired.
32. I have to say i love the name. My big sis is named Rebecca. but she goes by Becci which is not that common. but it suits her. I just like the name
33. my name is Rayna Lynn and my twin sister is Raygan Lee, I've always wished my name was Rebecca, I love it, if i have a girl she will definatly be Rebecca, she has to have an "R" name like her mommy, and auntie and uncle. Rayna Lynn P. *
34. I have always thought my name, Rebecca was elegant and also a classic name. When someone calls me "Becky" I tell them that is not the name I was born with and it is presumetious (sp)to call me a different name. Would you like to be called Jane if your name was ann? Since becky and Rebecca don't sound anything alike I wish people would "get the difference". Too bad old-fashioned names are not popular but now girls need a Male gender name or Surname which is worse! Is McKenzie feminine?
35. I love my name, Rebecca, but unfortunately the only other Rebeccas I've ever met were really awful!
36. This is my name and fits me. I am definitely outspoken and strong willed- temper temper! I also am very well read and love knowledge. I work in the biology field so I am always learning something new. I never cared for my name growing up as I hated the nicknames (except for Becca, which is the only one people are allowed to use unless they're special). I hate Becky, but the other girls I knew named Rebecca all went by Becky and I was the only Becca- I never got mixed up in the confusion. I was supposed to be Sara Jane, but I will take Rebecca Lee over that any day! Yes, a nice name, but beware if you are naming your child this! I agree we all have tempers and attitude! Be READY!
37. Rebecca is my best friend's name and she goes by becca or beck. she has long light reddish brown hair and big blue eyes and is funny, a little shy, gorgeous, interesting, and a wonderful best friend. she has never in her life been snobby or mean to anyone.
38. Hi my name is Rebecca, (Becki)..Growing up I hated my name "Rebecca" in 8th grade some of my friends and I were talking about our names and we wanted to chage them..I changed my "y" to and "i" because I always liked to be different..It wasn't until my early adulthood that I liked my name "Rebecca" My grandmother and my aunt named me "Rebecca Ann" My parents didn't have a girl name picked out..(I had 2 older bothers) so I went a few hours before I was named...I learned to like my name because it was hand picked by 2 important woman in my life and my mother approved of it...I go by "Becki" to my friends but in Business it is "Rebecca".. I like my name now..because "Becki" can be playful and fun..and "Rebecca" can be Professional and Respected.

Add to My Favorite Names

Traits: Becky is described as a cute, young tomboy who is earthy, quiet, and happy.
Famous people with this name: book characters Becky (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) Thatcher, Becky (Vanity Fair) Sharp

1. this is a great name every one i know with the name is very outgoing smart and as cute as can be
2. I have to agree. My best freind is named Becky and she is the most wonderful person in the world
3. I have a friend Becky. She has shoulder length dark dark brown hair. She is very shy but around people she know you can't get her to stop talking. She is funny and has the best laugh. I love the name Becky.
4. When I was a junior in high I changed the spelling to Bekkie. I love my name now. I feel like it fits me better.
5. I got creative in 7th grade. i dropped the c from my name to be set apart from all the other beckys. ive spelled it Beky to this day and love the twist of it!
6. I do not care for the name Becky , every Becky I know is mean and snobish .
7. My mother named me Beckey... when my mom recieved my birth certificate they spelled it Becky.. I have always like the strange spelling to Beckey... But I have stayed with what I know.. Becky! I think it fits me now, but I really hated it in school and high school. No one else was named Becky and I was always and forever placed in the front of lines because of my name... I think if it was my choice as to what my name would be it would be something like Sophie or something more femine. But you can't change what is done.. remember this when you are naming your baby.. The name stays with them for the rest of thier lives. Have a great day~
8. My name is Becki. My mom said I was too small at birth to carry the name Rebecca especially because my last name was 11 letters long. I think I would have preferred Rebecca, maybe Becca for short, but I do like that she spelled it a little different.
9. My full name is Rebekah but i use Becky as a nick! I like it. I can be shy around people at first but once i get a little more comfortable i get loud and start having a lota fun and am more open and talk a lot!! Well at least that is what my friends and family tell me.
10. Becky is the name of the woman who was my husband's secretary and then had an affair with him, thus leading my marriage to divorce. And to think that if my baby had been born female I had the name Rebecca picked out. It is too common and plain a name anyway. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

11. Name Becky reminds me Becky in Roseanne.I hate that serial so I don't like this name.
12. My name is Beckie. I am glad it is spelled without a "y". I like it when people ask me if it is short for Rebecca because it isn't, and that makes me unique! I think I fit the description because I am cute and I love being a tomboy!! I have dark brown eyes and hair.
13. One of my best friends is called Becci (she spells it differently) she is so small cute, friendly, outgoing and lovely! shes not at all stuck up or snobby shes a really nice girl. I luv her! I wouldnt pick this name myself for my child as I think its a bit plain and common, but I have no bad feeling towards it.

Interesting... especially that there are lots of Rebecca Lynnes. Makes me glad I have the e on the end; thanks Dad. I also think it's interesting that the Rebecca descriptions overall fit me a bit better than the Beckys (I think), and if I were just hearing the names out of the blue I would think Rebecca is prettier... which it is... but Becky has some essence of my identity inside it that I can't let go of. I remember thinking about going by Rebecca when I went to first grade, because it was more grown up, but when push came to shove, Becky just came out of my mouth as me. Rebecca is my public, officially presented self, and Becky is... Becky carries my personality, for better and worse. If I am not called Becky by enough people in my life for long enough, I feel very lonely and unknown. Also I think Becky is a little more fun, has more of a spark, takes herself less seriously. Becky is strong in a certain way, something to do with the k, I think. I think what most people are going with as this "tomboy" aspect (certainly not me) I identify as a brand of strength. But it's interesting as well how I probably identify personally with Rebecca more than my friends identify me as such. Most of my friends would never call me Rebecca. My family, on the other hand, uses my names much more interchangably. Though my dad rarely calls me Rebecca. Just my mom and sometimes my aunts and uncles and my grandma. I often think about whether (with any luck) I will be published as Rebecca or Becky, and I think probably Rebecca, but it also seems odd that (with any luck) readers who will never meet me would only know my public name. So I'm not sure.

Also, I have to say that I much prefer "captivating" as a meaning for my name than "bound." "Steadfast" is ok, but "captivating" is way sexier, and "bound" just is not appealing.

I would love to hear more on this topic from those of you with nicknames... I think it provides a certain opportunity for expressing a double-consciousness of self that maybe those without nicknames... I won't say don't have, but don't experience in this way. I'm also curious on how people relate to their given and nicknames... similarly to me? Differently? Sound off if you feel like it.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You know that I'm officially/legally Kathryn... But my parents picked that because they thought I needed a formal name; I was always going to be Katie. And so I was, and everything was fine until I got to first grade and my teacher wanted me to write Kathryn on my papers. I don't really remember this very well, but apparently I got really upset about this, because "Kathryn wasn't my name! That's not me!" The teacher's whole point was that she wanted us to recognize and be able to write our proper names (think of all the boys who go by Billy or Bobby, etc, who will probably drop those names when they grow up). Apparently it took a meeting with my parents and the teacher, but we compromised and said that I was allowed to write Katie on my homework and classwork, but I needed to write Kathryn on tests.

I think you're right, Becky. Kathryn is beautiful (debateably more so when spelled Katherine--has a slightly different rhythm to it--but I like my spelling. Something about the y is kind of fun. Or maybe I'm just crazy.) and Kathryn Ann doubly so, but I hear that name and it doesn't quite capture me. It may very well be something I grow into, I don't know. Professionally it might be better/more mature to use Kathryn...but I just don't respond to it in the same way. I think there's a certain part of my personality that responds to Kathryn, some sort of wisdom or inner calm/peace...maybe that's why I feel I'd grow into it? But I think Katie more accurately captures who I am right now. It's younger, playful, sweet, more kitten-like... ;)

I don't know, could you imagine calling me Kathryn ever since you met me? Weird, no?