Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hippodick Day

Things that sucked hippodick about yesterday:

1. 93 degree weather (probably about 10 degrees hotter in the apartment, or so it feels. I was literally short of breath from sitting in one place, and my very light weight dress was like a skin-burning suit of armor!)

2. Being told that as of next week, my fellow phone operator and I will be uncerimoniously cut to half-time, given that the theater is not busy enough to support us both full-time. This apparently is a routine thing, which was never mentioned to me before. I can't afford this now... I've worked hard to save a little money for NY, and if they go through with this, I will be forced to use it, when what I really need is to save more.

3. Having NO information WHATSOEVER about the PR job I applied for, which I was supposed to hear about on Tuesday.

4. 93 degree weather (and having to eat in it)

5. No more visiting twins.

6. Being told that my job performance has somehow gone from "great" and "wonderful" to "ok" in the last several months, without any further explanation. Perhaps it's because I am less desperately needed.

7. 93 degree weather (and having to do laundry in it)

8. Not being able to get ahold of a single living person actually connected with a venue... and trying to get ahold of 20.

9. 93 degree weather (and having to sleep in it)

Things that did not suck hippodick about yesterday:

1. My new stuffed panda bear, proud supporter of Variety Children's Charity.

2. Rachel

3. Patrick Stewart

4. Cold showers

5. Having food and lots to drink, and I suppose a place to live, though it is very much like the pit of hell and less like a home at the moment.

1 comment:

Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Well, I'm proud to be on the list of things that did not suck hippodick yesterday. I hope that there are more things that don't suck hippodick today. Particularly, one Michael Cunningham..... ;)
Love you.