Thursday, March 09, 2006

Twelfth Book: A Girl Named Disaster

I got this book, which is by Nancy Farmer, in the 10-books-for-a-dollar batch in the NYC library, and for some reason I tried to begin reading it several times and kept getting caught up in other books. As you can see, I finally began and finished it! I picked it because I've read two other books by Nancy Farmer (The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm and The House of the Scorpion,) and enjoyed them both very much. The House of the Scorpion was especially powerful for me, because I read it at a time when I was feeling abandoned and betrayed, and the main character goes through an extraordinary abandonment/betrayal.

In a lot of ways, in a completely different story, A Girl Named Disaster deals with the same themes. It was a powerful story, and a pretty fascinating look at an alien (in the earthly sense, which I feel I should clarify since Farmer does write science fiction sometimes!) culture. Also an exciting "surivival" story. Great if you want a decently quick, engaging read with a very empowering message.

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