Monday, February 06, 2006

The Most Astonishing Description of Me Ever

From a post by a lister apologizing for not recognizing me at an event she invited listers to:

Fast forward. 6:45 p.m., the church hall. People are coming in, and, by

way of giving up a comfort zone, I am extending myself to greet those I
know little or not at all. Suddenly I see a classically beautiful woman,
dressed with the poignant elegance of a young woman of style who is
nevertheless tenderhearted. Her face has a dark Sephardic beauty so
compelling that I have to look away. But I know I have spent several hours
in a group with her very recently; my eyes could not forget that aesthetic
high point. She must be a parishioner, of course. I hastily review my
past and conclude that she must have participated in a "share the graces"
session on Wednesday night as part of a week of prayer the parish sponsored
in January. I met several young women there whom I had not seen before.
Being committed (quite unnecessarily, as it turns out) to giving up looking
good, I asked her name. She said "Becky." I said a few friendly words and
gave a vague smile, hoping to conceal my indecent envy of her invincible

!!!! I'm stunned and flattered and a bit embarrassed. I mean, obviously this is overstating things, perhaps for the case of a very nice writing style, but.... just the idea that I could make such an impression is enough to make me grin and blush. Mark should take a few lessons in email description from this (unbelievably) kind lady. On second thought, maybe not. And I probably would trust it less from somebody who was trying to date me. But anyway, uh... wow. If I were to describe my appearance in the ideal universe on my ideal day, I don't think it would come close to this praise. I also don't remember at all what I was wearing.

Well, I'll save this one for a rainy day, even though it could never be quite lived up to in real life! Thank you, lister friend!

1 comment:

Katie said...

*grins* It's all true, you know. I often think about how striking you are. And I think highly of your taste in clothing.