Saturday, April 23, 2005

With a Little More Substance

I suppose it's time to make a real post to this journal that as of yet no one really knows exists. Nonetheless, I feel some amorphous obligation to say something beyond how much time it took to set up this blog. I'm mostly sort of curious as to why I have actually decided to set one up, or... what kind of space this will turn out to be. Like, will I be seduced into laying bare all sorts of dark and hidden secrets, because of the illusion of privacy laid over a very public forum? Or is it the very fact that it is not private but not... with any direct, specifically intended recipient that makes it appealing? I think that may be the case. I can be more forthright than I actually would be to a specific face... or, even if not more forthright, at least more.... long winded! And yet it isn't just me, there's at least a charming possibility of communion.

*chuckles* Which brings us straight back to my web address name, doesn't it? Transubstantiated chicken... named in honor of the fact that as a child I assumed that if I simply knew the words the priest said over the host at Mass, I too would be able to transubstantiate any food into the Body of Christ. I was quite captivated by the idea of presiding over entire dinners all made of the Real Presence, perhaps keeping this a secret from the other guests.

So that's a good place to end the beginning, I think. Welcome to my charming possibility. Tell me what you find, what you think. I can be the amorphous partner for you also. :)

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