Monday, August 06, 2007

Find the Treasure

Kind of like a treasure hunt!!
What is on the wall closest to you?:A Peanuts character, a no smoking sign, and a notice about overdue fines.
When you turn to the right, what is the first thing you see?:A black chair with five wheels and the security guard, who is now switching places with another security guard.
Name each thing you hear right now:The new security guard talking to another man in a non-English language, my typing, a girl's flip-flops as she walks across the library, pleather furniture squishing
Name each thing you smell right now:My nose is runny. The library has a smell, but I don't know how to describe it.
What is the title of the book nearest to you right now?:History and Description of the Steam-Ship Great Britain Built at Bristol for the Great Western Steam-Ship Company; To Which are Added, Remarks on the Comparative Merits of
go to page 86.. go to line 12.. share the first 8 words:(Title continued) Iron and Wood as Materials for Ship-Building. Ironically, there is no page 86. On page 8: "A A A A represents the outline of the boilers"
go to your nearest window, then list 3 things you saw when you looked out:A big, bright orange handbag. A woman with a green shirt either arguing with or bidding enthusastic farewell to a young man, a tow-headed child in a baseball cap.
How many steps take you to your bathroom?:The 75th step puts me over the threshold.
Describe your main light source at this moment:Flourescent lights in long rectangular bars, with checkered plastic grating.
list each thing on your work space right now:Book due and cancelled stamps, a scanner with stand, a demagnitizer, computer parenphenalia, Cabot bookmarks, book plates with empty space for due dates, oversized rubber
How many spoons in your kitchen drawer right now?:bands (continuing from the last question because I have no idea about this one), yellow tape with "reserve" written on it, and generally more thing than I can fit in this spac
Describe everything on your body right now in the from of clothes or jewels:Black flip-flops with jeweled straps, pink underwear, a skirt with a waterside town on it, a white bra, a yellow T-shirt, my Bryn Mawr ring, my snake ring
How many plants are in your house:None?
Are they fake or real?:Fake?
Where did you buy your computer?:I don't recall, and I don't think it works anymore.
If you have a purse, describe it.:A yellow Strand bag with green pockets sewn in and Spanish writing on it.
If you just carry a wallet, describe it:Don't, at present.
grab a piece of paper in either one, and tell us what it is:The Spare Change News
what was the last reciept you had in your hands for?:Probably a bank receipt for the withdrawal I made.
What is the last thing you wrote on?:Um... an old card from the card catalogue.
If you carry a purse, name 3 things in it right now:A broken pen, a flyer from a place where I did not get my haircut, a small lock
what is sitting on the floor closest to you?:A blue plastic garbage can that I am bending with my feet.
Name something you can see right now that you should throw away:Probably the stupid labels I made for the CD Roms while Anne, one of the librarians, also made labels. Since now they are useless.
name something you can see right now that you couldnt bear to throw away:See previous answer, since I spent so much time on them, though I'm sure I'll overcome this eventually.
when you say goodbye to a pal, what do you say?:I like to make goodbyes wordless and inscrutable. Keep them guessing.
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