Wednesday, May 02, 2007


So, I tried to post this before, but it didn't work. Now I've ended up with two daemons. Maybe one of them will post!

I tried, and ended up with Html mishmash in my entry. :( Why did it work for everybody else? Here, I'll put in the links, maybe that will work.

I hope so. Also, I think the names of my daemons are hilarious. I'll esteem you ever so slightly more highly if you have a guess as to why.


Anonymous said...

hehehe - Philotheus! what a perfect name for you, you god-scholar.

When I did it my daemon was a spider named Boreallus.

Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Wow, I transformed both your daemons to the same animal, even though it asked me different questions. Funny.... Anyway, I got a kick out of Erasmus. Next thing you know, you'll be having weird visions of historical people.