Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tart and Startling and Strange

Who am I talking about? Jesus, in the Gospel of Mark. I read it today for Intro to New Testament, and it was so bizarre and interesting... very quick, action-packed, this happened then this happened in style, and Jesus was sort of... brisk and unpredictable and hard to read, but a very compelling presence, at least to me. I am so curious about what the experience of reading this would be if you had no background in the story, and also concretely realizing how much I know the Gospel stories in the chunks they are told in in church, and how little I know the actual Gospels straight through.

I'm also a little confused about all the methods of New Testament criticism. Some of them seem kind of problematic, but maybe I just don't completely comprehend them yet.

Bracing, that's another good word for Jesus-of-Mark. Has anybody else read it? What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Katie said...

We read Mark's gospel for Women and Gender in Early Christianity, and yes, a lot of our discussion was on how different that gospel was to the other ones we were more familiar with. It's been a while since I read it, but I seem to remember us discussing that gospel as being very martial--Jesus as being more of a political leader. And because I'm a dork and went back to look at my responses from that class, I see that I picked up on the emphasis on healing through touch, and how the men can ask directly but the women do it serreptitously, or through a male intercessor. IM or email me if you want to talk more about this. :)