Wednesday, February 14, 2007

George W. Bush is Not My Valentine

He talks to us as though we are five, and about people in other countries as though they are infants. Unfortunately, he also handles incredibly dangerous situations as though he is a slightly older playground vigilante fighting to be king of the hill.

In what universe are people going to listen when we say "we can have nuclear weapons, but not you, because we know best and we say so"?

Good Lord, this money restriction thing is going to be a problem.

He does look tired, and gets so irate so easily. He's like someone being called onto the carpet and grasping at defensive straws. His arguments do not make sense, but he presents them as though to disagree is a basic failure in intelligence and understanding. Wow, he's totally going off. Do presidents usually get so snippy?

I wish I understood more about this Iran thing. Does anyone have any insight into the situation there beyond what I am hearing in this conference?


Anonymous said...

I have no useful comments, but NPR is doing a series right now on the Middle East. The essays so far include the cause of the Sunni/Shi'ite split, Iran's Cultural Revolution and the subsequent further division between religious and secular governments, and the foundation of Hezbollah (though I can't remember how to spell it.) You can listen at

Becky said...

Thank you, Shannon. It's lovely to know such smart, informed people.