Friday, November 04, 2005

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning...

The universe is trying to make it pax. The series of more or less unforntunate events that was my week has suddenly blossomed into a morning of wonder and intrigue.

Well, it started as a morning of really, really not wanting to get out of bed. And then really, really not wanting to leave the house. So I left late. And I couldn't even seem to move more quickly down the street to make up for it.

But then, as I shuffled on down the road, I saw two dollars lying on the ground, so I picked them up. I walked a few more feet, saw a five dollar bill, and picked it up. I walked a few more feet, and saw the back half of a card, and picked that up. The printed part of the card said: We don't need no stinking candy! Happy halloween. The hand-written part of the card said: What these people need is a good photographer, who can capture the faces w/out the beer bottles! Thanks again for everything. Small contribution towards new raincoat included. And it's signed some illegible name that might be Shirley or Ashley somethingorother. I looked and looked, but I could not find the front half of the card nor the envelope.

About a block down the road, I found a small stiff-paper tag, and picked it up. It said: "It's my birthday. Who's buying?" And it had a big beer mug pictured on the front. So, despite it being a different holiday, I kept it because the alcohol reference related to the card. And I went on my merry way.

Then, as I passed some bit of Penn's campus, I glanced at one of the poles they have there, which are basically these largish things tacked all over with announcements of every kind, and I saw something that looked familiar. I got closer and there it was-- the paper said "In Trousers." IT WAS AN AUDITION ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WILLIAM FINN'S IN TROUSERS!!! If anyone is reading this who does not know what that is, it is the first installment of the Marvin musicals, wonderful musicals by the most witty and wonderful and brilliant composer cum lyricist ever, William Finn. (Ok, I don't know if he's really the most brilliant composer ever-- but I love him the most!) And, because I had picked up that tag, I had something on which to write all the information! It turns out it's being done by this group at Penn, Front Seat Productions, and the auditions are tonight and tomorrow, which means I could totally go tomorrow and do some awesome song and impress them with my love for the show and play Trina and be the happiest person in the world! Except... the website says they are a "student-run theater company." Having had some experience with such companies, it seems to me that they usually only include, well, students. Moreover, students of that particular university. And I am neither. Could I pretend to be a Penn student for two months, among a group of people all of whom are actual Penn students??? I know the answer is probably no.... but I am so tempted. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH IN TROUSERS WILLIAM FINN MARVIN I LOVE YOU AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact remains, that no matter what, I will get to see this show. I am so happy!

And, the one day I didn't get to stop for breakfast since I started that trend on... well, Tuesday... Donna or someone brought in bagels and cream cheese! And there were onion bagels, which I wanted all week, but they don't have onion bagels at Cosi.

I feel loved!

P.S. If you have any ideas about how I can pretend to be a Penn student for two months amongst real Penn students while holding my job and not get caught... please come forward. I will give a prize to whomever gives me a suggestion that works. A really good prize.

P.P.S. I will also give a prize to anyone who can recognize all of the allusions in this entry. There are four. Two are easy, one is so-so, and one is hard. In fact, the hard one is so hard I will give you a hint. It only counts as an allusion if you read a certain book at a time when you were a young child and did not know any British expressions, and therefore irrevocably associate this phrase with the book. Also, they are all toward the beginning of the entry, and all parts of the entry count. To play, leave a comment indicating what the allusions are and to what they allude. If you're right, I will write something for you. Anything you want. A poem... a story... an erotic spanking story (because there's a rumor I'd be good at that)... even a fanfiction! And I will post this piece of work right here on my journal, or, if you prefer, save it for your eyes only. :-D So, assuming that I have readers, PLAY!


Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

All right, well, in the interests of other people not getting a free ride because i put the answers in here, I'll just put in the one I didn't talk to you about on the bus--I'm going to guess the fourth reference is the bit about shuffling down the road, because it reminded me of "Shuffle off to Buffalo." And if that's not the real answer, I think I should get points for creativity. :) I love you!

Anonymous said...

I am very annoyed that I don't know all your allusions. It makes sense--I'm not you--but I feel like I know your mind well enough to know the direction of your thoughts... Oh well, here are the ones I have:

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning: oh what a beautiful day.... OOOOOOOOO! klahoma where the wind goes sweeping down the plain!

Series of Unfortunate Events: or events unfortunate or otherwise, or however you put it.

Make it pax is one, I'm sure, and I'm not positive where it's from though I suspect that it's from the Chronicles of Narnia, as that is the british book series you read as a child and developed all sorts of impressions about. Turkish delight, anyone?

And I feel like wonder and intrigue must be one too, but it probably isn't, as I have no idea where it's from.

In the event that no one else participates in this contest and I end up being the winner, I trust you to use your discretion in creating something exciting for me (although we both know a certain someone or two that would enjoy an erotic spanking ;)).